Thursday, April 11, 2024

Concierge based Feature releases.

Implementing and Managing a Product framework in a B2B set up can be truly challenging and that also when the businesses are not mature enough. The focus has been more on velocity of output which leads to accruing of huge technical debt and features delivered just more on whim and vanity sakes rather than with a thoughtful approach.

Rather than purely taking requirements and then working on it, the best framework which can work in this scenario is the concierge-based evaluation. Instead of creating the requirement for an interface. e.g. creating an export feature for customer records for a CRM tool. This can be purely based on back-end code or script which is being employed to generate reports. This can be then rolled out as a feature which can be requested on mail. Also, suitable descriptions can be provided to highlight benefits. If the frequency of reports increases, then it can be developed as a feature and if not then it purely fails the feature evaluation and is not a priority for the end user. 

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