Sunday, October 20, 2024

How we can understand Hinduism

We have a world where their numerous rivers some Criss crossing each other which end up in the ocean.

Hinduism or Sanatan Dharm is like an Ocean where lot of rivers dispense. Either one can be latched onto these rivers or progress to stay near the ocean. Any which way they are connected to the one or many constituents which fall into the ocean. Moving upstream is a choice till they are connected to riverways with an eventual end point to the ocean. Also, the rivers are controlled by externalities which creates the flow of the river of right from the point of origination - Oceans create clouds by process of evaporation with oceanic winds carrying the moisture causing rains which help in the origination or swell of rivers.

Then there are rivers which have been dammed and not a temporary one but dammed for life with may be a tiny rivulet flowing after the dam. These hold water in the reservoir and condemned to the reservoir. Sometimes these reservoirs become so big and inundate was swathes of areas that they might go into the area of other rivers and obstruct their flow. These are the religions which confirm to books or tablets.

It's important to draw that in the former also there might be smaller dams built which might impact the flow and causing regression in the area (read society). But eventually the unifying force of nature which asks it to confirm to the order as prescribed by the dharma of sustenance of nature will force these dams to break eventually i.e. if not people realize by themselves. The same might be also wrought upon the bigger dams which might cause these big but 'limited' school of thoughts break suddenly. 

The eternal order has its own way of returning balance when limits are crossed.

Mind the climate change. Destroyers of dynasties

An interesting bit from Dan Jones's Power of Thrones. Climate change was one of the chief reasons for destruction of Roman Empire. We all know that it was the Goths and its offshoots who were eventually responsible for the end of Western Roman empire. But how did Goths arrive at the gates of this empire. As per the books it had to do with the Huns, who also had famous run ins with the Roman Empire. The Huns were nomadic pastorals who inhabited the central Asian steppes. Destruction of livestock due to years of severe climate forced them to move westwards which disrupted the goths who were present in the areas bordering the Roman empire. This bought in conflict between the two and Huns were able to assert which forced the equally warlike Goths further into Roman territories. Initially they were accommodated and then over further periods there were turbulences here and there which eventually manifested into trouble for the Romans. Mind you this happened over decades and centuries.

Corollaries maybe also found in case there is proper research done on Tukic hordes invading the subcontinent which may also be due scarcity factor attributed due to climate change. It is also important to note that most of these tribes like Huns, Goths, Turks originated or were present in the Central Asian region where the climates may not be as predictable as in the rest of the settled world at that time. But in an important lesson is that the same might cause destruction of modern nations if once can analyze the contemporary times. What if waves of cyclones inundate low lying areas of Bangladesh, what can incessant flooding of Indus in Pakistan lead to. Such incident s can cause mass displacement especially for the weaker section of the countries. And with the government usually out of option or even paralyzed in such situations won't mind offloading its population at the expense of the richer and so-called accommodating neighbor (as the liberals like to call our country and not that we have problem of our own). So, it's not only the social aspects like unstable governments, the religious zealots, terrorist in the neighborhood who we should be mindful of. The climate may throw a surprise which can further amplify the social reasons.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Who is under threat from the Jihadis!!

Raw Swarup mentions in one of his books that is Islam a religion which was formed in a fevered state of mind or was it begotten in a tranquil setting. And did the subjugated (where they?) people of Arabia had suddenly found a Symbol to enshrine in their banner similar to that of the Cross to fight the Byzantine and Persian rulers. No matter what it spread fairly quickly unlike the religions of the east in India and China which went through years of evolution, metamorphosis even if some of the religion like Shaivism, Buddhism, Vaishnavism, Jainism was propounded and expanded by warrior kings and conquerors. This evolution and metamorphosis were more so the result of the meditating rishis, travelling monks, debating hermits and acharyas who helped fine tune the essence of these religions. There were Shaiv's and Vaishnav's who lived under Buddhists kings and same was also true for vice versa. The straw that broke the camel's back was its inability to suddenly counter the torrent of the imperial Islamic conqueror who only knew the way of the sword. And o even centuries it lives in the collective consciousness of today's population about the cloth it can adorn (and which it sometime does)) in today's modern world which can harken it back to the Middle Ages.

The Jihadis and Islamists who are subset of today's Islamic world form a seemingly threat which has constantly questioned whether the democratic society of today can accommodate its medieval principles which don't seem to be quelled even with basic arguments. But are they only a threat to non-Islamic people of our society. It is s a no brainer that majority of the Islamic people would want peace, basic income, work for economic growth, look after their family just like any ordinary person. Music and Movies which may be looked down upon and liable to be banned by mainstream Jihadist mindsets is a proof of the fact that how Islam can embody art and prove a creative progressive outlet for the people at large. But then when something untoward happens why majority of this progressive section of Muslim society is silent barring a few exceptions. In fact, they are the most afraid of the radical elements than anyone else as being a co-religionist they will have to face the wrath of the mullahs and madrasa bred jihadist who may be quick to point out their nonconformity to the practices of the book and be branded anti religion or even slandered with blasphemous comments. In fact, there are Muslim actors who clandestinely or some openly worship Hindu gods but don't talk about it often in public as the same may irk their radical co-religionist. Hence their silence in certain situations where they may feel the urge to speak against but may not because incurring the wrath of a segment is understandable and the society at large should also acknowledge this.