LKY is a compelling mind when talking about religious extremism and minces no words with his calm and lucid explanation. Listening to him is like listening to a philosopher who has though deep into a subject.
One of his important observations about SE Asian Islam talks about how the religion spread through the commerce route in the region and was able to assimilate some of the cultural aspect and syncretize. No wonder we haven't heard much of temples being destroyed in the countries there. In fact, some of the important Hindu and Buddhist UNESCO heritage sites are found in Indonesia. What LKY does raise concern about is the information age is levelling the playing fields for likes of Wahhabism, Jehadi mindset which is finding fertile grounds in countries like Malaysia and Indonesia. He emphasized that earlier the Muslims in the region were relaxed but increased exposure to Social Network is ensnaring the gullible Muslims into the radical trap.
There are important lessons in his sermons which ought to be spread in the world especially for his views on social aspects, culture and religion and how changing dynamics of the world affect these fundamental moorings.