Monday, December 9, 2024

How to dissociate

The things which are causing you extreme consternation suddenly seem part of you. You have longed to dissociate from them but when suddenly nature unfolds its magic and gets the pliers to break and unshackle, you just don't want to give in. 

This is the greatest paradox of life. Don't ever spend too much time with something which has exhausted post a buffer time past the phase of enthusiasm, for it leaves an indelible imprint and a weird longing to be arrested with those unwanted compulsions which even the new opportunities or the anticipation of new opportunities fails to wash away. 

Saturday, November 16, 2024

The Book vs the Library

In another one-sided debate between the 'cultured' and the 'non cultured' the non-cultured tried to bring in the flaws which exist in the books of Sanatan Culture. The later asked the former to denounce Manu Smriti as it contained discriminatory passages and verses relating to the castes systems and entitlements for selective few among other things. In fact, the former was totally nonplussed and instantly called out that he openly denounces such verses and does not believe in those. But he was hardly heard, and his statements were drowsed in vehement illogical repeated rambling by the later on the same thing. But why was this guy rambling and what he was trying to drown. In the same sentence of denouncing Manus Smriti, the former also asked whether the later would denounce discriminatory content of latter's faith's heavenly book. But this is no ordinary book. This book is a prescription by a 'doctor' which is 'supposed' to keep one 'healthy' (which is open to debate). If a doctor prescribes a medication (or a book of medications) to 'supposedly' keep you healthy, will you follow it or not?

It's important to realize that how Sanatan Dharma is different from the Abrahamic Faiths. Sanatan Dharma can be construed to be equivalent to a library which contains umpteen number of books whereas the Abrahamic ones have codified verses or tablets which can't be touched by mortals. For Sanatan all the books are open to interpretation, you can follow them or ignore them, you are open to interpret it your own way if you really want to reform the Sanatan system, you can also publish your own versions which am sure future generations will see as an offshoot from the same library. Of course, no system is perfect, and no library stagnates. A library has to keep on updating its bookshelves with the latest content, writings on new thoughts. 

The Sanatan has been successful in doing so and it will continue on the same vein. Its journey through books had to face the sword but now it has overcome it and developed its own defense mechanism as you can see with a more hardline school of thought emerging in the Hindu fold over the mid of the last century. But that has not stopped even a liberal 'school of thought' emerging within the Santana ecosystem denouncing this hardline school. So, our Santan Library is also open to accommodate contrarian thoughts. But what about the followers of the Books? There has been reformation in a religion during the Middle Ages and modern European and America societies have eschewed the practice of towing to the line of book but that can't be said about some of the other dominant ones. 

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

From LKY

LKY is a compelling mind when talking about religious extremism and minces no words with his calm and lucid explanation. Listening to him is like listening to a philosopher who has though deep into a subject. 

One of his important observations about SE Asian Islam talks about how the religion spread through the commerce route in the region and was able to assimilate some of the cultural aspect and syncretize. No wonder we haven't heard much of temples being destroyed in the countries there. In fact, some of the important Hindu and Buddhist UNESCO heritage sites are found in Indonesia. What LKY does raise concern about is the information age is levelling the playing fields for likes of Wahhabism, Jehadi mindset which is finding fertile grounds in countries like Malaysia and Indonesia. He emphasized that earlier the Muslims in the region were relaxed but increased exposure to Social Network is ensnaring the gullible Muslims into the radical trap.

There are important lessons in his sermons which ought to be spread in the world especially for his views on social aspects, culture and religion and how changing dynamics of the world affect these fundamental moorings.

Sunday, October 20, 2024

How we can understand Hinduism

We have a world where their numerous rivers some Criss crossing each other which end up in the ocean.

Hinduism or Sanatan Dharm is like an Ocean where lot of rivers dispense. Either one can be latched onto these rivers or progress to stay near the ocean. Any which way they are connected to the one or many constituents which fall into the ocean. Moving upstream is a choice till they are connected to riverways with an eventual end point to the ocean. Also, the rivers are controlled by externalities which creates the flow of the river of right from the point of origination - Oceans create clouds by process of evaporation with oceanic winds carrying the moisture causing rains which help in the origination or swell of rivers.

Then there are rivers which have been dammed and not a temporary one but dammed for life with may be a tiny rivulet flowing after the dam. These hold water in the reservoir and condemned to the reservoir. Sometimes these reservoirs become so big and inundate was swathes of areas that they might go into the area of other rivers and obstruct their flow. These are the religions which confirm to books or tablets.

It's important to draw that in the former also there might be smaller dams built which might impact the flow and causing regression in the area (read society). But eventually the unifying force of nature which asks it to confirm to the order as prescribed by the dharma of sustenance of nature will force these dams to break eventually i.e. if not people realize by themselves. The same might be also wrought upon the bigger dams which might cause these big but 'limited' school of thoughts break suddenly. 

The eternal order has its own way of returning balance when limits are crossed.

Mind the climate change. Destroyers of dynasties

An interesting bit from Dan Jones's Power of Thrones. Climate change was one of the chief reasons for destruction of Roman Empire. We all know that it was the Goths and its offshoots who were eventually responsible for the end of Western Roman empire. But how did Goths arrive at the gates of this empire. As per the books it had to do with the Huns, who also had famous run ins with the Roman Empire. The Huns were nomadic pastorals who inhabited the central Asian steppes. Destruction of livestock due to years of severe climate forced them to move westwards which disrupted the goths who were present in the areas bordering the Roman empire. This bought in conflict between the two and Huns were able to assert which forced the equally warlike Goths further into Roman territories. Initially they were accommodated and then over further periods there were turbulences here and there which eventually manifested into trouble for the Romans. Mind you this happened over decades and centuries.

Corollaries maybe also found in case there is proper research done on Tukic hordes invading the subcontinent which may also be due scarcity factor attributed due to climate change. It is also important to note that most of these tribes like Huns, Goths, Turks originated or were present in the Central Asian region where the climates may not be as predictable as in the rest of the settled world at that time. But in an important lesson is that the same might cause destruction of modern nations if once can analyze the contemporary times. What if waves of cyclones inundate low lying areas of Bangladesh, what can incessant flooding of Indus in Pakistan lead to. Such incident s can cause mass displacement especially for the weaker section of the countries. And with the government usually out of option or even paralyzed in such situations won't mind offloading its population at the expense of the richer and so-called accommodating neighbor (as the liberals like to call our country and not that we have problem of our own). So, it's not only the social aspects like unstable governments, the religious zealots, terrorist in the neighborhood who we should be mindful of. The climate may throw a surprise which can further amplify the social reasons.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Who is under threat from the Jihadis!!

Raw Swarup mentions in one of his books that is Islam a religion which was formed in a fevered state of mind or was it begotten in a tranquil setting. And did the subjugated (where they?) people of Arabia had suddenly found a Symbol to enshrine in their banner similar to that of the Cross to fight the Byzantine and Persian rulers. No matter what it spread fairly quickly unlike the religions of the east in India and China which went through years of evolution, metamorphosis even if some of the religion like Shaivism, Buddhism, Vaishnavism, Jainism was propounded and expanded by warrior kings and conquerors. This evolution and metamorphosis were more so the result of the meditating rishis, travelling monks, debating hermits and acharyas who helped fine tune the essence of these religions. There were Shaiv's and Vaishnav's who lived under Buddhists kings and same was also true for vice versa. The straw that broke the camel's back was its inability to suddenly counter the torrent of the imperial Islamic conqueror who only knew the way of the sword. And o even centuries it lives in the collective consciousness of today's population about the cloth it can adorn (and which it sometime does)) in today's modern world which can harken it back to the Middle Ages.

The Jihadis and Islamists who are subset of today's Islamic world form a seemingly threat which has constantly questioned whether the democratic society of today can accommodate its medieval principles which don't seem to be quelled even with basic arguments. But are they only a threat to non-Islamic people of our society. It is s a no brainer that majority of the Islamic people would want peace, basic income, work for economic growth, look after their family just like any ordinary person. Music and Movies which may be looked down upon and liable to be banned by mainstream Jihadist mindsets is a proof of the fact that how Islam can embody art and prove a creative progressive outlet for the people at large. But then when something untoward happens why majority of this progressive section of Muslim society is silent barring a few exceptions. In fact, they are the most afraid of the radical elements than anyone else as being a co-religionist they will have to face the wrath of the mullahs and madrasa bred jihadist who may be quick to point out their nonconformity to the practices of the book and be branded anti religion or even slandered with blasphemous comments. In fact, there are Muslim actors who clandestinely or some openly worship Hindu gods but don't talk about it often in public as the same may irk their radical co-religionist. Hence their silence in certain situations where they may feel the urge to speak against but may not because incurring the wrath of a segment is understandable and the society at large should also acknowledge this.

Saturday, September 28, 2024

A breakaway thought

Why the ruling dispensation still glorifies MK Gandhi when he is actually an antithesis to their ideology. For long MK Gandhi was the prime idea under which Congress tried to unite India realizing the Nehruvian ideology was in wane Post the 1962 fiasco and more so after 1975. At max he was relegated to second fiddle and also an uncle figure to the future generation of kids which was celebrated on Nov 14. A balancing act was thus required rather an altogether total shift as MK Gandhi's assassination constantly comes into discussion whenever the Sangh folks try to glorify him. The Sangh realizes the anathema of Godse which is like a monkey on their back. So, a total shift from the MK Gandhi is out of question. Hence, they have to rally under a more hardline figure like Sardar Patel and literally make his aura SkyHigh. Future generations will be curious and get attached to the stories of Sardar Patel wresting control of dominions and making one truly Unified India which would then occupy greater bragging rights than the independence itself. But still, you have Oct 2 being celebrated as National holiday, which will make MK Gandhi better remembered. Hence the move towards creating that one unified of Indian culture i.e. Ram. In coming days Ram will occupy much greater significance as a cultural and moral progenitor of our continuing civilization. The civilizational continuity will occupy much greater significance than independence movements as ours is a civilization (maybe barring Judaism) that maybe holds remnants of its purest form despite churning out offshoots like adavaitism, shaivism, vaishnavism, jainism, buddhism, Sikhism among others. And for that someone like Lord Ram could be a guiding beacon. And more so even MK Gandhi had famous last lines 'Hey Ram' when he was felled by the assassins bullet.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Cognitive diversity in countries

 Cognitive diversity in organizations is stated as key for success. A project containing a Project Manager from South India, an engineer from East India, a Salesman from North india and similar will do much better than having people from one stated or province working in a project. 

There is laso case in the point of cicket teams of Inda and Pakistan / Sri Lnaka/ Bnagladesh all get brackedted ina a monchromaic hue of either a Punjab-Patha or Sinhalese or Bengali

The analogy of alloys like brass and their varying compositions can indeed be applied to nations with diverse religious and demographic populations in the context of achieving stability and harmony. Just as the properties of brass change with the composition of its constituent metals, the stability and functionality of a nation can be influenced by the diversity and balance of its population. Here’s how this analogy can be applied:

  1. Diversity as Strength:

    • Alloys: A balanced composition of metals like copper and zinc in brass can enhance desirable properties such as strength, corrosion resistance, and workability.
    • Nations: A balanced diversity of religious and demographic groups can strengthen a society by bringing in a wide range of perspectives, skills, and cultural practices. This diversity can enhance innovation, resilience, and problem-solving capabilities.
  2. Excessive Concentration:

    • Alloys: If the zinc content in brass exceeds a certain percentage, the alloy may become more brittle and lose some of its desirable properties.
    • Nations: If one group becomes overwhelmingly dominant to the exclusion or marginalization of others, it can lead to social instability, discrimination, and conflict. Balance and inclusivity are crucial for maintaining social cohesion.
  3. Integration and Interaction:

    • Alloys: The interaction between copper and zinc atoms in brass creates a material with unique properties that neither metal possesses on its own.
    • Nations: The integration and positive interaction between different religious and demographic groups can create a rich, dynamic culture and a more robust and adaptable society. Policies that promote inclusion, equity, and mutual respect are essential for harnessing the benefits of diversity.
  4. Adaptation to Changing Conditions:

    • Alloys: Different compositions of brass can be tailored for specific applications, showing how adaptability is key to functionality.
    • Nations: Societies that are adaptable and can accommodate changing demographics, economic conditions, and social dynamics are more likely to thrive. This involves flexible governance, inclusive policies, and active efforts to address the needs and concerns of all groups.
  5. Challenges and Maintenance:

    • Alloys: Maintaining the right composition and processing conditions is crucial to ensure the desired properties of brass.
    • Nations: Similarly, maintaining social harmony in a diverse nation requires ongoing effort, including dialogue, conflict resolution mechanisms, and policies that promote fairness and justice. Addressing grievances and ensuring that all groups feel valued and heard is essential.

In summary, just as the properties of brass depend on a balanced and well-integrated composition of metals, the stability and prosperity of a nation depend on how well it manages and integrates its diverse religious and demographic populations. Emphasizing inclusivity, equity, and mutual respect can lead to a stronger, more cohesive society

Software System Designs

 Always feel pushed by Software being at fault whenever there is an issue with the Application. Enterprises have to realize that software and software ecosystem have emergent properties which get reflected in time due to increasing interactions of software, hardware and usage and other operational aspects. Nothing can be fixated to software alone.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

What we should project

My boss at Charlie company, asked me to share a storyline for a possible investor/Aquisition pitch. His idea was more for projecting what the company can do. I used the CV-SHV (Customer Value, Shareholder value matrix used in our ISB BMI course). He felt it was too drab and MBA Ish and very well so.

Somehow, it's a plain simple story line which you want to project. It was just one client engagement weaved into a story. You start the company with these 3 people. You get a consulting project for Digital transformation for 2 months. Slowly you exhibit value, and the project expands from 3 to 7 to 20. You add new accounts within the client. In that process you also build technical muscle. There are also those small interactions which happen which lead from one to another e.g. the B2B was shot in the dark, would have happened if were not in Mobility. Also, the way contracts are designed. Sometimes embedding one word makes a difference. But then there is also the market base assets. The client has seen you and knows you that if you are around, you are adding value. It can happen if you are invested in one client. 

Then once you have built the tech capabilities you know which the capabilities are to be productized. You productize those capabilities. But the story is all about how one leads to the other. e.g. LWP at alpha, then CDP type at Tango1 , then CDP engagement at Tango 2 with finally a CDP deployment, white labeled DMP in alpha2.

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Why we were defensive ?

Indian empires throughout the ancient and medieval ages were fiercely territorial. And when I say this, I am not talking about the Indo-Greeks, Sakas, Kushans or the early Islamic invaders. They were not inherently Indian and were in fact aggressors on our land which was foreign to them.

To have an expansionary strategy needs to have the will power of the empire, desire of the rulers, a compelling reason which necessitates the development of an aggressive outlook. The Islamic horde came from the Central Asia which was a region of constant strife due to scarcity of resources. This compelled likes of Ghurid , Ghaznavid and later even Babar to look towards India to conquer it for its abundant resources and wealth. The later set up the Mughal empire which ruled India for about 200 years. 

But the fact remains why none of the empires which established in India like the Maurya's, Guptas and later the Mughals did not opt for an expansionary strategy like the European empires. The fact of the matter remains that they were well entrenched in Mutiple aspects. The most important aspect is the subcontinents Geography. There were sea and ocean on the three sides, Himalayas to the North to Northeast. Though there was the Khyber Pass through which the invaders descended in the Northwest. Yet it became absorbed once Mughals established their hegemony with the Baloch areas and Western Afghanistan becoming buffer areas between the Persian empire and the Mughals. This Geography forced the rulers to be less expansive in their approach. But yet, even European empires had to cover oceans to reach new shores like the Spanish Empire did to the Americas. So next comes the point that there enough resources to be satisfied with. India was already an export driven economy for a long time. There was abundance of natural resources and food as well. Also, the local empires were busy organizing their feudatories and vassals within the Indian Geographic realm to keep the supply lines and trade revenue intact. There was enough to focus on home than to look outside. Even the navies of Marathas were mostly coastal navies who were there to keep check on the pirates looting the ships in the coastal areas.

But yet there have been instances in the past when we had to adopt and expansionary shift. Cholas raided the Southeast Asian ports of hostile Sri Vijayan empire to establish and secure their supply routes to China. This was not a colonial ambition and was purely for economic reasons. It's no wonder that we had healthy trade relations with the rulers there which is pretty much visible in the cultural sphere even today. 

We could have been very well aggressive or offensive by choice, but the unique mix of factors allowed the various Indian rulers adopt a mindset which was pretty much in sync with securing and growing what was already there. Even come to think of it, Mughals who were contemporary of Ottomans in Turkey never felt the need to colonize Africa or push their Armies through Burma and Southeast Asia or adopt a Naval strategy to look for new colonies.

Saturday, July 6, 2024

If Islam - Christianity has problem then so has Hindusim

Yes Hinduism does have problem. It has a problem in positioning itself. Hinduism is construct which was given represent people of this land who were of Non Abrahamic faith. Jainism , Sikhism , Buddhism were fuether classifications done in addition to Hinduism. 
So it thus became a religion in the same class as Islam and Christianity and Judaism. 

But why adhere to this construct which came from the West ( Yes Arabia is to the west of our country) . Sanatan Dharma which has become more prominent in todays time is something which Hindus today try to refer to when talking about Hinduism and its Non religious nature. If all the talks of religion and devotion can be assimilated together. then best way to look at thia will be in form of the pyramid with Sanata Dharm on top of it. 


If there is any issue in Hindu society e.g. caste discrimantion there are n number of liberals or individuals who will go to all extent (even ignoring the facts or not applying juresprudence) to support the victim. Do we have an equivalent in the Islamic society. Zilch ? Even triple talaq was movement mostly championed by Right Wing Hindus. Is there any moderate face in Islam who is willing to campaign against Madrassa ayatem. Zilch. We can also take case of Nupur Sharma. If we accept that she apologies for whatever she said (or whatever tone she said), then why she needs to move with 24 hrs security. The moderates in Islam may say that she need not move with security and its her or states choice to provide her the secruity. If indeed there are such voices then what is the gaurantee that she will be able to raom freely when mere people who shared her post were killed mercilessly .

Saturday, June 8, 2024

In defence of equivalence of Religious atrocities.

Watching a video of Asaduddin Owaisi responding to Nishikant Dubey's comments of worshippers of Babar was bit befuddling.

Asaduddin Owaisi remarked that in same vein Pushyamitra Shunga should also be castigated as he had also massacred Buddhists.

Without even going deeper into researching the motives of the said King who came after assassination of last Maurya King, I was just wondering that whether this comment merits any equivalence. Do Hindus really worship or fete Pushyamitra shunga or even Lalitaditya Muktapeeda who he had referenced in the same way Babar and the so-called great Aurangzeb are talked about. Do Hindus have cities named after annihilators of commonfolk's like Bhakyityarpur or Aurangabad (In Bihar that is). Do we have roads named after these mutilators? Do we have festivals like Tipu Jayanti celebrated for Shunga like Sunga jayanti

This is an absolute bogus argument which could not even be defended by the so-called BJP minister or people in the public. 

Such absurdities need to be called out with vengeance.

Monday, June 3, 2024

Why we did not debate Islam

Almost all religions which came to India before Islam had it fair share of struggle. They came with weapons of Kushans from central asia trying to establish Buddhism or they also took form of civilized debates which happened in the societies like Shankarcharya and Mandana Mishras. 

Then what happened in case of Islam. Islam I belive did not show its argumentative face which was there in other religions in addition to its imperialistic face which drove its expansion. 

Would Ramanuja or shankaracharya been able to debate the maulvis who came from turkistan or persia. I am shore the results would have been very different as there would be always a sword dangling somehwere

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Concierge based Feature releases.

Implementing and Managing a Product framework in a B2B set up can be truly challenging and that also when the businesses are not mature enough. The focus has been more on velocity of output which leads to accruing of huge technical debt and features delivered just more on whim and vanity sakes rather than with a thoughtful approach.

Rather than purely taking requirements and then working on it, the best framework which can work in this scenario is the concierge-based evaluation. Instead of creating the requirement for an interface. e.g. creating an export feature for customer records for a CRM tool. This can be purely based on back-end code or script which is being employed to generate reports. This can be then rolled out as a feature which can be requested on mail. Also, suitable descriptions can be provided to highlight benefits. If the frequency of reports increases, then it can be developed as a feature and if not then it purely fails the feature evaluation and is not a priority for the end user. 

Words the way they are spoken are golden

While reading Shri Aurobindo's Secret of Vedas and also parallelly listening to Rajiv Malhotra's audible book Being different, I happened to realize a very interesting thing.

When understanding the Vedic hymns and associated mantras, it came as a revelation to me that how profound their genesis is. Since I was young, I was always told to join a shloka class or diligently perform my Sandhyavandanam rituals. I don't think I was in the age or had the right maturity then to understand the importance of these aspects of life.

Shri Aurobindo explain that mantra didn't evolve through a scholarly process, they were uttered when the ancient seers, the progenitors of Vedas where in a state of deep interaction with nature through mediation. The way they perceived sensations of nature including the five elements and also the living and non-living things made them utter the root syllables of the observations. e.g. When a seer explained a wolf, the Sanskrit for the same is Vikra, which is associated with the root of tearing apart. This is also differing from the western construct of many objects like fire. In west an object or a thing is just described in a word, but in Ancient India they were explained as experience e.g. there was a hymn to Agni or Hymn to the Sun (Aditya Hridayam) .

Further elaborate on below 

- Word associations from ordinal to secondary 

- How when words are told it cause neural sensations, which is why shraap used to hurt individuals in ancient times.