Saturday, January 18, 2025

The assertiveness

It was interesting to listen to Manu Pillai's unbiased take on the evolution of Hinduism. As per the conversation and a fact which is also stated by writers like Ram Swaroop and others, Hinduism was an evolutionary religion. The early practitioners of Vedas and more ritualistic aspects fused with the plethora of local gods/goddesses which were worshiped as local hero, gods of gardens or forests. The Vedic fold assimilated by accommodating or adapting to some of the practices (an example being Karthikeya fusing with Lord Murugan) and also asserting some of its intricacies like the hierarchical system.

Friday, January 10, 2025

Propellors and Rowers

This comes for a comment I posted from my (incognito alternate) account in Reddit in response to the raging debate about working for 90 hrs or 70 hrs per week.

It is a pretty decent argument one that makes sense for a country like India where you need a get lot of people into the employment fold and make them contribute to the growth. But will we really get growth if all or majority of folks are forced to work for umpteen hours?

‐--------- to be edited -----

This might still hold ground if companies actually work towards creating a culture which makes work your passion and people get so transfixed in their work that they dont realise how time just passes by (being in flow state). But alas that is a Utopian aspiration. Its true for those 1 % of 'propellers' in every company. You dont need every one to work for 90 hours as there is no incentive for everyone( not money one) to work for a company like L and T , not everyone is absorbed by the stimulation of going about solving a problem in n different ways right through the weekend or brainstorming and looking for different strategies to grow business. For majority , work is just an avenue to earn money so that they can spend on things they like doing e.g. learning new language, touring places with family, learning a new recipe in the weekend , working on health routines to even a mundane thing like just relaxing at home and watching movie and contribute to the economy in thier own little way. Rather focus on cultjvating future 'propellers' that 1 or 2 % in the company who align with companies objectives and lofty goals. Just do that. Work life balance equation is different for different people. For the 'propellors' a purposeful work balances life whereas for the rest a puposeful life balances the work. Give the latter that space.

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Principles and Framework

How successful people like Elon Musk and other top enterpenuers , top minds are able to do context switch into diametrically different businesses ?

Having applied thier mind deep into their businnesses they have been embedded with principles and frameworks which can be implemented in other businnesses due to which they are able to do context switch better.

Learning for the day. BTW need to check TRIZ framework as well.

One more story using ChatGPT which could not be figured out

one more short story if you can help witth the script and story with dialogies Two 18th century french actors vying from the same girl who is also an actress...she tells she will marry the on who can act better....suitor 1 is more haughty and hansome..suitor 2 is meek..suitor 1 always bullies suiotr 2 Next month there is a hnagmans speech who has done the last haning in paris...the spech is well recieved for being poignanant..but the hangman is actuall suitor 1 the actor...suitor 1 is more
ChatGPT said:

Here’s a compelling draft of your story with dialogue and a dramatic twist:

Title: The Last Performance

Scene 1: The Rivalry

In a

You said:
not completed...let me continue... After this suitor 2 seeminglya ccpets defat and withdwas...but the actress takes sympathu onsuitr 2 but undertsnads he is defated In the next few days suitor 1 received letter from a french noble initing him for dinner in his house and apprecition for wonderful sppeeech of hangman which he later came to knwo suitor 1 haughty with pride vistrs the noble who praises him...the noble is very old and alsmost in last stages of life...he gives him laish dinner and drinks...suitr 1 is really top on his the end he reveals that he is father of the last victim of hangman and he want to take revenger fromt he lawa...hangman rpersnting the law....suitor 1 is literally in fear and clenches his throat as if posioned and faints thinkng he is about to die just then suior 2 reveas himself behind th emakeup of oble 2 and laso welcomes th eactrss to see the charade in play... Suitor 2 and actess have hearty laiugh and have a kiss
ChatGPT said:

Here's the extended story with your continuation and conclusion:

Title: The Last Performance

Scene 7: The Defeat

Etienne, visibly crestfallen after Sophie chooses Antoine, bows respectfully. “I wish you both happiness,” he says softly, withdrawing from the stage of their rivalry.

Antoine smirks, basking in his victory. “It seems the better man has prevailed, as always.”

Sophie watches Etienne leave, a pang of sympathy tugging at her heart. Despite his apparent defeat, she feels there is more to Etienne than meets the eye.

Scene 8: The Invitation

Days later, Antoine receives a finely sealed letter bearing the crest of a French noble. Intrigued, he opens it.

“Dear Monsieur Antoine,

Your poignant

You said:
one more short story if you can help witth the script and story with dialogies Two 18th century french actors vying from the same girl who is also an actress...she tells she will marry the on who can act better....suitor 1 is more haughty and hansome..suitor 2 is meek..suitor 1 always bullies suiotr 2 Next month there is a hnagmans speech who has done the last haning in paris...the spech is well recieved for being poignanant..but the hangman is actuall suitor 1 the actor...suitor 1 is more After this suitor 2 seeminglya ccpets defat and withdwas...but the actress takes sympathu onsuitr 2 but undertsnads he is defated In the next few days suitor 1 received letter from a french noble initing him for dinner in his house and apprecition for wonderful sppeeech of hangman which he later came to knwo suitor 1 haughty with pride vistrs the noble who praises him...the noble is very old and alsmost in last stages of life...he gives him laish dinner and drinks...suitr 1 is really top on his the end he reveals that he is father of the last victim of hangman and he want to take revenger fromt he lawa...hangman rpersnting the law....suitor 1 is literally in fear and clenches his throat as if posioned and faints thinkng he is about to die just then suior 2 reveas himself behind th emakeup of oble 2 and laso welcomes th eactrss to see the charade in play... Suitor 2 and actess have hearty laiugh and have a kiss
ChatGPT said:

Here's the completed story with dialogues, emotions, and a dramatic twist:

Title: The Final Act

Scene 1: The Rivalry Begins

In a lively 18th-century Parisian theater, Antoine, a handsome and arrogant actor, is rehearsing a scene with Sophie, the radiant actress who has captured the hearts of both Antoine and his meek rival, Etienne. The rivalry between the two men is the talk of the theater.

Antoine struts across the stage, smirking at Etienne. “You’re wasting your time, Etienne. Sophie deserves a man of talent, not someone who stammers through every line.”

Etienne, keeping his composure, replies, “The audience judges the performance, not the performer’s arrogance.”

Sophie, standing between them, raises her hand. “Enough! If you both want my hand, prove your worth on the stage. I will marry the one who moves me the most with his acting.”

Antoine bows dramatically. “Consider it done, my dear Sophie.”

Etienne nods humbly. “I will give it my all.”

Scene 2: The Hangman’s Speech

A month later, the theater is packed for a unique event—a speech by the last hangman of Paris, recounting his grim experiences. The hangman steps onto the stage, his face hidden beneath a hood. His voice is deep and filled with sorrow as he shares tales of those who faced their final moments with courage, fear, or regret.

“Each life I ended weighed on my soul,” he says, his voice breaking. “I was not a monster, but a man bound by duty, cursed to represent the cold, unyielding hand of the law.”

The audience is spellbound. Tears stream down faces as the hangman leaves the stage to thunderous applause. Backstage, Sophie approaches Antoine, glowing with admiration.

“That was incredible,” she says. “You’ve captured the essence of human tragedy.”

Antoine smirks, removing the hood. “It’s called talent, my dear. Talent that no meek rival could ever match.”

Scene 3: The Twist Begins

Defeated, Etienne withdraws from the competition, leaving Sophie to congratulate Antoine. However, Sophie notices Etienne’s quiet dignity in his defeat and feels a twinge of sympathy.

A week later, Antoine receives a letter sealed with the crest of a noble family:

“Dear Monsieur Antoine,

Your speech as the hangman moved me deeply. I invite you to a private dinner at my estate to honor your extraordinary performance.

Marquis de Montclair”

Antoine beams with pride. “Finally, recognition from the nobility. They know true genius when they see it.”

Scene 4: The Dinner

Antoine arrives at the lavish estate of the Marquis de Montclair. The old nobleman, frail and dressed in fine robes, greets him warmly.

“Ah, Monsieur Antoine,” the Marquis says, his voice quivering. “Your words stirred my soul. Such depth, such emotion.”

Antoine, basking in the praise, replies, “I am honored, Marquis. It is my duty as an artist to reveal the truth of the human condition.”

The Marquis leads him to a grand dining room, where a feast of roasted meats, fine wine, and decadent desserts awaits. They dine and drink, the Marquis showering Antoine with compliments.

Scene 5: The Revelation

As the evening wanes, the Marquis leans closer, his tone darkening. “Monsieur Antoine, there is something you should know. My son was the last man you hanged. He was innocent, a victim of the law’s cruelty.”

Antoine freezes, his arrogance replaced by terror. “Marquis, I... I only acted the part.”

The Marquis’s eyes blaze with fury. “You represented the law—the very hand that stole my son. Tonight, I take my revenge.”

Antoine’s breath quickens. His throat feels tight. “What... what have you done to me?”

The Marquis smirks. “The wine. Perhaps it was poisoned, perhaps not. The truth will reveal itself soon enough.”

Antoine clutches his throat, gasping, and collapses to the floor.

Scene 6: The Final Reveal

Suddenly, laughter echoes through the room. Antoine, trembling on the floor, looks up to see the Marquis remove his makeup, revealing... Etienne!

“What... Etienne?!” Antoine croaks, still struggling to breathe.

Etienne grins. “An actor must know how to play many roles, Antoine. Tonight, I gave the performance of a lifetime.”

Sophie steps into the room, clapping slowly. “And I must say, Etienne, you’ve truly outdone yourself.”

Antoine stares in disbelief. “You... you planned this?”

Sophie and Etienne share a hearty laugh. “Consider it a lesson in humility,” Sophie says, leaning in to kiss Etienne on the cheek. “You’ve shown me the power of true artistry.”

Scene 7: The Curtain Falls

Antoine, humiliated and defeated, stumbles out of the estate as Sophie and Etienne share a kiss under the chandelier. The stage of their lives has been set, and the meek suitor has finally triumphed.

As the theater of Paris buzzes with whispers of the night’s events, Etienne and Sophie prepare for their next act—together, on and off the stage.

The End

Would you like to expand any scene or add more dramatic flair?

You said:
tell mw which story the above plot is simialr to
ChatGPT said:

The plot you've described shares similarities with classic narratives that involve themes of rivalry, deception, and dramatic irony. While it doesn't directly mirror a specific short story, it echoes elements found in various works of literature and theater.

For instance, the idea of two suitors competing for the affection of a woman, with one employing deceit or disguise to outwit the other, is reminiscent of motifs in plays by Molière, such as Tartuffe, where characters use deception to achieve their goals.

Additionally, the twist involving a character disguising themselves to teach another a lesson can be seen in stories like O. Henry's The Gift of the Magi, where characters' actions lead to ironic outcomes.

However, your story's unique combination of actors, a staged revenge, and the dramatic revelation creates a distinctive narrative that stands on its own, even as it draws inspiration from classic storytelling tropes.

If you're interested in exploring similar themes, here are some classic works that delve into rivalry, deception, and dramatic irony:

Tartuffe by Molière
A comedic play where a pious fraud, Tartuffe, deceives a gullible man, leading to a series of misunderstandings and dramatic revelations.

The Rivals by Richard Brinsley Sheridan
A comedy of manners involving romantic entanglements, mistaken identities, and the rivalry between suitors.

The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde
A satirical play that explores themes of identity, deception, and the trivialities of society, culminating in unexpected twists.

Cyrano de Bergerac by Edmond Rostand
A swashbuckling drama where the eloquent yet self-doubting Cyrano helps another man woo the woman he loves, leading to poignant ironies.

The Gift of the Magi by O. Henry
A short story highlighting the themes of love, sacrifice, and irony, where a couple's gifts to each other lead to an unexpected twist.

These works offer rich explorations of similar themes and may provide further inspiration for your storytelling.


How I discovered a forgotten story using Chatgpt

 draft me a story abut 2 people who meet in train one is blin d beggar begging and there is a thrid person who s lady who takes pity on beggar...the beggar is cribbig that he lost eyesight in a fire icident hwne his colleague pushed hi...but there i a wtwist it he end

ChatGPT said:

Here’s a draft of your story with a twist at the end:

Title: Shadows of Truth

The rhythmic clatter of train wheels echoed through the dimly lit compartment as passengers sat in their little worlds. Among them was Ramesh, a blind beggar, making his way down the aisle, tapping his stick and holding out a tin cup.

“Spare some change, kind souls,” Ramesh called out. His voice had a bitterness to it, laced with years of misfortune. “I wasn’t always like this, you know. I had a job, a family... until my own colleague ruined my life.”

A young woman, Priya, sitting by the window, looked up from her book. She was dressed modestly, her kind eyes betraying a compassionate nature. She fumbled in her bag, pulling out a few coins.

“What happened to you?” she asked, dropping the coins into his cup.

Ramesh sighed heavily, sensing an opportunity to share his tale. “I lost my sight in a factory fire. My colleague, jealous of my success, pushed me into the blaze. Doctors couldn’t save my eyes. Now, I wander from place to place, begging just to survive.”

The compartment fell silent as passengers listened, their curiosity piqued by the tragic story.

“That's awful,” Priya said, her voice trembling. “How could someone be so cruel?”

Ramesh shrugged. “The world is cruel, madam. People don’t care until they’ve been burned too.”

The Third Passenger

In the corner of the compartment, a man sat quietly, his face hidden behind a newspaper. He had been observing the interaction with growing interest. The man folded the newspaper and leaned forward. His presence was commanding, and his piercing gaze unsettled Ramesh.

“Quite a story,” the man said, his voice calm but sharp. “But not entirely true, is it?”

Ramesh froze. “What do you mean? Who are you?”

The man smirked. “You don’t recognize me, Ramesh? Perhaps you would if you hadn’t lied so often.”

Priya looked between the two, confused. “Do you know each other?”

The man nodded. “Yes. We worked together at the factory. I’m the colleague he’s talking about. But his story has a few... omissions.”

The Revelation

Ramesh gripped his stick tightly. “You have some nerve showing your face after what you did to me.”

The man laughed humorlessly. “What I did? Let me remind you, Ramesh. The fire started because you were smoking in the storage room, against all safety protocols. When the flames spread, you panicked and locked the door to cover your tracks. I was inside.”

The compartment buzzed with murmurs as passengers leaned closer to hear.

“I barely made it out alive,” the man continued, his tone cold. “And you? You used the fire as a way to gain sympathy. You weren’t pushed. You tripped while running away. The loss of your eyesight was an accident, but your lies have hurt many people since.”

Priya gasped. “Is this true?”

Ramesh stammered, unable to meet her gaze. “I... I had no choice. I had to survive.”

The man stood up, his voice cutting through the silence. “You had a choice, Ramesh. To take responsibility. Instead, you chose deceit. And now, the truth has caught up with you.”

The Twist

The train screeched to a halt at the next station. The man turned to leave but paused by Priya.

“Sympathy is important,” he said gently. “But always seek the truth before you give it.”

As he stepped off the train, Priya turned back to Ramesh, her compassion replaced by disappointment. The once-pitiful blind man now seemed small and hollow.

The train moved on, leaving Ramesh alone in the compartment, his cup jangling with coins—a weight heavier than his blindness.

Would you like to refine any part of the story or adjust the twist?

You said:
actually the thrid personis also blidn behind a coll aviator galsses deciign the fact that he blignf...the news paper he was reading wasl also brale..and he know his routine nobody can make it he his he end he walks back to hs hsop..which is an eyeglasses hsop
ChatGPT said:

Here’s the updated story incorporating your twist:

Title: Shadows of Deception

The train compartment rattled as it sped through the countryside, sunlight streaming through dusty windows. Among the passengers, Ramesh, a blind beggar, shuffled down the aisle. His cane tapped rhythmically on the floor as he held out a tin cup.

“Help a poor soul,” Ramesh called, his voice tinged with both desperation and bitterness. “I wasn’t born like this. My eyesight was stolen from me in a fire. My own colleague betrayed me!”

Seated near the window was Priya, a gentle-looking woman in her late twenties. Her face softened as she rummaged through her handbag. She pulled out some coins and dropped them into Ramesh’s cup.

“That’s terrible,” Priya said, her voice heavy with sympathy. “What happened to you?”

Ramesh sighed theatrically, sensing an opportunity to evoke more pity. “I worked in a factory, an honest man. But my colleague, jealous of my success, pushed me into the flames. I barely escaped with my life, but my sight… it’s gone forever. Now, I beg just to survive.”

A wave of murmurs passed through the compartment as passengers absorbed the tragic tale. But in the corner, a man in dark aviator sunglasses sat quietly, a folded newspaper in his hands. His demeanor was calm, almost detached, but his lips curled into a faint, knowing smile.

The Challenge

As Ramesh approached, the man spoke up, his voice steady and commanding. “Quite a story, Ramesh. But it’s not entirely true, is it?”

Ramesh stopped abruptly, his expression shifting to unease. “What are you talking about? Who are you?”

The man leaned forward slightly, tapping the edge of his cane on the floor. “Oh, I know you well enough. And I know your routine.”

Priya looked at the man, confused. “Do you know him?”

The man nodded. “Indeed. And I know he wasn’t blinded in a fire—or betrayed by anyone. This is his carefully rehearsed story to earn pity and money.”

Ramesh bristled. “You don’t know anything about me! How dare you accuse me?”

The man chuckled lightly. “Oh, but I do. You see, Ramesh, I’ve watched you ply your trade for months. You follow the same route every day, using landmarks to navigate, not instinct. Impressive for someone blind, isn’t it?”

The Revelation

Ramesh’s face twisted in panic, but he quickly masked it. “You’re lying! How could you know all this?”

The man smirked, lowering his newspaper to reveal the dots of Braille on the pages. He tapped his aviator glasses. “Because I’m blind too. You can’t fool someone who lives in darkness, Ramesh.”

The entire compartment fell silent, passengers now staring at Ramesh with suspicion. Priya gasped, covering her mouth.

“You... you’re not blind?” she asked, her voice trembling.

Ramesh stammered, his carefully crafted facade crumbling. “I… I didn’t mean to deceive anyone. It’s just… life is hard.”

The man rose to his feet, his movements precise and confident despite his blindness. “Life is hard, Ramesh. But lying about it won’t earn you respect—or peace.”

As the train screeched to a halt at the next station, the man adjusted his glasses and tapped his cane. “And now, if you’ll excuse me, I have work to do.”

The Twist

As the man stepped off the train, the onlookers watched in silence. He walked with purpose, navigating the crowded platform with ease. Minutes later, he entered a small, bustling eyeglasses shop.

The sign above read “Vision Restored – Custom Eyewear and Repairs.” The man removed his sunglasses, revealing empty sockets where his eyes once were. With a practiced hand, he felt for the counter and placed his cane beside it.

“Good afternoon,” he greeted a waiting customer with a smile. “How can I help you today?”

Behind him, rows of polished eyeglasses gleamed—a poignant reminder of the irony in his craft. Though he could not see, he helped others find their vision, guided by honesty and resilience.

Would you like any part expanded or adjusted?

You said:
how can i genrate AI vdoe for this story
ChatGPT said:

To generate an AI-based video for your story, follow these steps:

1. Script Preparation

  • Divide your story into scenes.
  • Write the dialogues as subtitles or voiceover scripts for each scene.
  • Identify key visual elements (e.g., train, beggar, compassionate woman, blind man with sunglasses, eyeglasses shop).

2. Choose AI Video Tools

Several tools can help you create AI-generated videos:

  • Text-to-Video Platforms:
    • Pictory or Lumen5: Convert text into videos with stock visuals, text overlays, and voiceovers.
    • Synthesia: Generate videos with AI avatars and customizable text-to-speech.
  • Animation Tools:
    • Plotagon or Vyond: Create animated characters and environments for storytelling.
  • Generative AI for Custom Visuals:
    • Use Runway ML or Kaiber AI to create unique, AI-generated scenes matching your story.

3. Gather Visual and Audio Assets

  • Use DALL·E, MidJourney, or Stable Diffusion to generate specific visuals like the train interior, eyeglasses shop, and characters.
  • If using stock footage, platforms like Pexels or Storyblocks can provide train or urban scenery.
  • Record a custom voiceover or use text-to-speech tools like or for narration.

4. Storyboard and Scene Design

  • Create a storyboard that aligns visuals with dialogues and narration.
  • Match the pacing of the visuals with the emotional tone of each scene.

5. Editing Tools

  • Use a video editing tool like Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, or the simpler CapCut for stitching scenes, adding transitions, and syncing audio.
  • Add subtitles or captions for accessibility.

6. Music and Sound Effects

  • Use royalty-free music from platforms like Epidemic Sound, Bensound, or Artlist for background tracks.
  • Add ambient sounds like train noises or shop chatter to enhance immersion.

7. Finalize and Export

  • Review the video to ensure smooth transitions, clear audio, and coherent visuals.
  • Export in a high-quality format (e.g., 1080p or 4K).

Example Workflow with Specific Tools

  1. Generate Character Images:
    • Use DALL·E to create images of the blind beggar, the lady, and the blind man with aviators.
  2. Animate Scenes:
    • Use Vyond to animate interactions between the characters inside a train compartment.
  3. Narrate Story:
    • Use to create a natural-sounding narration for the story.
  4. Combine and Edit:
    • Import animations, voiceovers, and background music into Adobe Premiere Pro for the final edit.

If you'd like, I can help you design visuals or scripts for specific scenes. Let me know how you'd like to proceed!

You said:
the last story shadows of deception eerily looks simialr to some short story
ChatGPT said:

The plot of Shadows of Deception does share similarities with certain classic storytelling tropes and themes found in literature, such as:

  1. Revealing Deception: Stories where a character's falsehoods are exposed, often by someone with hidden knowledge or abilities, are common in literature and cinema. Examples include O. Henry's short stories with twist endings or stories with moral lessons.

  2. Irony and Twists: The twist where the seemingly kind or quiet observer has a deeper connection to the events (like the blind man in this case) recalls themes from classic mystery or moralistic tales.

  3. Blindness as a Symbol: Blindness is often used symbolically in literature, representing insight, truth, or deception. The dual blindness—one literal and one metaphorical—in this story may evoke works like Oedipus Rex or even modern stories like Scent of a Woman (where blindness plays a significant role in perception and character dynamics).

If you feel it closely resembles a specific story, it might be due to these familiar archetypes or themes. To ensure originality, we could revise or add unique elements. Let me know if you'd like to explore adjustments!

You said:
no i mean a shrt story written by someone...the plot is similar to what story?
ChatGPT said:

The plot of Shadows of Deception bears a notable resemblance to the short story "A Man Who Had No Eyes" by MacKinlay Kantor. In Kantor's narrative, a blind beggar recounts a tragic tale of how he lost his sight in a chemical explosion, seeking sympathy and alms from passersby. He encounters Mr. Parsons, a well-dressed gentleman, and shares his story, attempting to elicit pity. However, as the conversation unfolds, it's revealed that Mr. Parsons was also present during the same explosion and is, in fact, blind himself. The twist lies in the revelation that the beggar's account is deceptive; he had selfishly tried to escape the disaster, hindering others, while Mr. Parsons had faced his misfortune with resilience and integrity.

Both stories explore themes of deception, resilience, and the contrast between genuine and feigned adversity, culminating in a twist that challenges initial perceptions.

If you're interested in reading "A Man Who Had No Eyes," here are some collections where it can be found:

Author & Journalist
A collection of MacKinlay Kantor's works, including "A Man Who Had No Eyes," showcasing his storytelling prowess.

50 Great Short Stories
Edited by Milton Crane, this anthology features classic short stories from various authors, including Kantor's notable piece.

American Short Stories Since 1900
This compilation includes significant American short stories of the 20th century, with Kantor's work among them.

The Pocket Book of Modern Short Stories
A diverse collection of modern short stories, featuring "A Man Who Had No Eyes" as a standout narrative.

Short Story Masterpieces
An anthology that brings together some of the finest short stories, including Kantor's memorable tale.

These collections offer a glimpse into classic short stories, providing context and appreciation for Kantor's work.