This comes for a comment I posted from my (incognito alternate) account in Reddit in response to the raging debate about working for 90 hrs or 70 hrs per week.
It is a pretty decent argument one that makes sense for a country like India where you need a get lot of people into the employment fold and make them contribute to the growth. But will we really get growth if all or majority of folks are forced to work for umpteen hours?
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This might still hold ground if companies actually work towards creating a culture which makes work your passion and people get so transfixed in their work that they dont realise how time just passes by (being in flow state). But alas that is a Utopian aspiration. Its true for those 1 % of 'propellers' in every company. You dont need every one to work for 90 hours as there is no incentive for everyone( not money one) to work for a company like L and T , not everyone is absorbed by the stimulation of going about solving a problem in n different ways right through the weekend or brainstorming and looking for different strategies to grow business. For majority , work is just an avenue to earn money so that they can spend on things they like doing e.g. learning new language, touring places with family, learning a new recipe in the weekend , working on health routines to even a mundane thing like just relaxing at home and watching movie and contribute to the economy in thier own little way. Rather focus on cultjvating future 'propellers' that 1 or 2 % in the company who align with companies objectives and lofty goals. Just do that. Work life balance equation is different for different people. For the 'propellors' a purposeful work balances life whereas for the rest a puposeful life balances the work. Give the latter that space.
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