Again, my thoughts go back the very impactful reason of Mantra's propounded by Aurobindo while I was listening to Rajiv Malhotra's book - Being Different. As per the book, Every Mantra goes through a same process of invention or discovery akin to what it takes for an Einstein's E=Mc2. The latter being a real phenomenon which was given a mathematical formula by Einstein. The same is attributed to Mantra which gives shape and formula to a reality. The Mantra's were invented by different Seers who meditated in isolation over different times in our long civilizational history and experienced reality in those deep moments of observation which effected a process of Involution. The Mantra encapsulates the primordial sound experienced by the seers which is supposed to be the connection with reality which is then processed in the root sound which get converted to a subtler sound and finally the audible sound, which we here in today's day and age. The achieve the primordial sound is the apex goal of a spiritual being and only few great men and women have attained it in our land. But the process should be to chant mantras to chart the path of involution inwards which can be attained by moving backward from the audible to the subtle to the root and then to the primordial sound.
Some things just seem to make sense once you first listen to them and the same happened when I again and again tried to wrap my head around the above thought. In essence at the crux lies in the fact that experiences are converted to vibration by the mantras which describe the experience. Mantra's either can be uttered or invoked in your thoughts which lead to vibrations which then affect the physiological construct and subsequently the biological form of the human.
A while back I heard again during a listening session about how Biology is nothing but Chemistry, Chemistry being nothing but Physics and Physics being nothing but Mathematics. It's well known that Vedic Mantras follow a Mathematical structure in terms of Gayatri Chandas , Anushtub Chandas, Trishtub Chandas and Jagati Chandas and many other attributes in term on Resonance, frequency, repetitio of Mantra in specific numbers like 108 Gayatri mantras. So, by that rationale it may well be that Mantra's may help unlock the connection with self if not reality or at best make self physiologically strong which may have a positive impact in other aspects of life.
Also, as per Aurobindo/Rajiv M even though Judaism and Islam have also invocation in Hebrew and Arabic, but the system is more developed and evolutionary in Sanskrit Grammar. Also, in the Abrahamic religions it's the god who knows the reality but in case of Santan Dharam and eastern religions the Mastering of Mantra's can itself help attain the truth or the reality itself.
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